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rEconfigurabLE on-Chip ulTRabrOadbanD SupErcontinuum


ANR Project n° ANR-21-CE24-0010-01

ELECTRODE proposes to explore such highly nonlinear and dispersion engineered hybrid waveguides based mainly on two alternative materials, namely silicon-rich nitride and titanium dioxide. For the first time, this project considers thoroughly the titanium dioxide as an alternative platform for nonlinear integrated devices and particularly in the context of multi-octave supercontinuum generation.


Unfortunately, as in the case of optical fibers, it is necessary to specifically design a waveguide for a targeted application. Once manufactured, it is, in principle, difficult to adapt the dispersive properties. ELECTRODE will investigate, for the first time, the possibility of reconfiguring dispersive properties post-fabrication thanks to the thermo-optical properties of the considered materials.

This project will explore the limits of knowledge by focusing on modulated width waveguides also called dispersion oscillating waveguides. This project, which contains a large numerical part as well as advanced fabrication aspects and proof of principle, is also intended to be applied.


Objective 1

This project aims to develop two alternative platforms: the silicon-rich nitride and the titanium dioxide in order to provide highly nonlinear hybrid waveguides based on those materials.


Objective 2

the project will explore topographic waveguides to reach the frontier of the knowledge


Objective 3

by exploiting the unique properties of those materials (thermo-optic effects), ELECTRODE will demonstrate reconfigurable devices (reconfigurable supercontinuum and reconfigurable directional coupler)


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